Color Me Beautiful Discounts and Updates

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You will be kept up to date on all the newest goings on from Color Me Beautiful. In addition we offer special discounts to our Email Subscribers including special content such as beauty tips and plenty of opportunities to get special savings on Color Me Beautiful Products. Our Email Subscribers regularly receive 30% OFF EVERYTHING specials, FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING specials, and many other promotions that you won't want to miss!

Whitelisting our email address

These days, a lot of legitimate email is classified as "spam" by overzealous spam filters. To be sure you do get our newsletters, please do whatever is necessary to keep your mail program from misclassifying our newsletters as spam. The address from which we will send you our mailing is: [email protected].

FOR AOL 8.0 or 9.0:

  1. Open AOL.
  2. Click on Address Book.
  3. Click on Add.
  4. Add [email protected] as a New Contact by entering [email protected] in the "Other E-Mail" area and pressing the Save button.

For more help, see the AOL help site .

FOR AOL Webmail
If you find our newsletter in your spam folder

  1. Right click the email.
  2. Click "Not spam" in the resulting list.

Add [email protected] to your Address Book:

  1. - Open the email from Color Me Beautiful News
  2. - Click the show details link next to Color Me Beautiful News in the From field.
  3. - Move your mouse over or tap [email protected] to show the menu.
  4. - Click or tap Add contact in the menu displayed.
  5. - Add Color Me Beautiful News to the name fields
  6. - Click Add contact

Email from Color Me Beautiful News will now be delivered straight to your Inbox.


  1. Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page.
  2. Click the icon with a plus sign and a person on the upper left side of the screen.
  3. For E-mail, enter [email protected].
  4. Click Save.

For more help, see the Gmail help site .


  1. Open an email from [email protected].
  2. Click "Mark as safe" under the From line of the email.
  3. Look for verification that you have added [email protected] to your safe sender list at the top of your screen.

For more help, see the Hotmail/MSN help site .


  1. Open the email.
  2. Click the "add to address book" icon to the right of the sender's name.
  3. This icon looks like a green plus sign and has the word "Add" next to it.
  4. Verify the sender's contact details.
  5. Click Save on the Add Contact box that pops up.

If you find our newsletter in your Bulk Folder, click on the email link and put in quotes: "This is not Spam". For more help, see the Yahoo help site .


  1. Go to your Contacts tab, located on the left side of your screen.
  2. Click on New in the upper-left hand corner.
  3. For E-mail, enter [email protected].
  4. Click Save in the upper left of your window.

For more help, see the Outlook help site .


  1. Go to the SBC Global Mail page and click the Options link.
  2. In the Management section, click the Filters link.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. In the top row, labeled "From header:" make sure "Contains" is selected in the pull-down menu.
  5. Enter our address: [email protected].
  6. At the bottom, where it says "Move the Message To:" select "Inbox" from the pull-down menu.
  7. Click the "Add Filter" button to save.

For more help, see the SBC Global help site .


  1. Click on Address Book link in the left-side menu.
  2. Click Add Contact at the top of your Address Book.
  3. For E-mail, enter [email protected].
  4. Click Add.

For more help, see the Comcast help site .


  1. Go to the WebMail Inbox window.
  2. Click Addresses.
  3. Under Addresses: All, click New Contact.
  4. For Display Name, enter Color Me Beautiful News.
  5. For E-mail, enter [email protected]. Click OK.

For more help, see the help site .


  1. Click on the Address Book link.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. For E-mail, [email protected].
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of your screen.

For more help, see the EarthLink help site .


  1. Go to your account and click on the Address Book link in the left column.
  2. Select Create Contact.
  3. The Add Address Book Entry screen appears.
  4. In the Email field, type [email protected].
  5. In the Nickname field, type Beauty Noir News.
  6. Select Save.

For more help, see the Verizon help site .


  1. Add [email protected] to your white list.

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